Wednesday, March 31, 2010

1- Pip practically serves a convict. What's he thinking?

Alright, so there is this little boy Pip who is this young orphan who lives with his sister and her husband. Although he is young, he still did an incredibly stupid thing. While staring at his parents' graves and thinking about them a typical, huge, and mean convict and horribly threatens the little boy. The convict then threatens him and gives him a list of things he must bring back to him. Most kids would run home and tell somebody but Pip actually gets him the stuff by stealing it from his sister. Why would he do that? It isn't as if the convict could stop him from telling his sister or the police. The convict had nothing over him at all. I just don't understand why he would go back to the scary man who threatened him. So, while he is on his way back to the convict to give him his things, he sees another convict who tries to strike him and then runs away. Who knew convicts could be violent?(Sarcasm) Apparently not Pip. He then delivers the goods to the first convict who becomes furious when Pip tells him the news of the other convict. If I were Pip, I wouldn't be getting involved in two dangerous convicts' business. Later I found out that Pip was actually worried about the safety of this convict. This kid has some serious issues and needs to sort out who his friend and who is his enemy.

2- Wow, Pip thinks he has a chance with Estella

Sorry, I haven't updated my blog in a while. I will try to fill in the blanks of Pip's childhood up to this point. After the whole incident with the convict, Pip felt incredibly guilt yet still felt bad for the convict. It was very hard for Pip to forget about it but it never fully went away. Since then, he has been going to Mr. Wopsle's school which is helping him learn how to read and write. Joe loves to see Pip progress educationally. Pip learns really how uneducated Joe is and is ashamed of him for it. Then, the richest person in the area invites Pip to come and 'play' at her house. Pip and his family is hoping that this person, Miss Havisham, will give them some of her enormous sum of money. While Pip is there, he upon first sight falls in love with Estella, the adopted daughter of Miss Havisham. She constantly ridicules him and tries to make him feel as inferior as possible. Pip still keeps his hopes up and wants Estella more than Miss Havisham's money which is crazy. Pip will never have a chance with Estella. Not only does she hate him, but Miss Havisham makes Estella make males suffer, not to mention the fact that Pip is way down on the social class and Estella is at the very top. Still, Pip attempts to pursue her and it seems the only thing that matters in his life is Estella. If I had to give Pip some advice, I would tell him to quit while he's ahead so he doesn't waste a good portion of his life trying to get something he can never have.

3- Pip's Home Life and Estella

Pip has had a tough relationship with Mrs. Joe because she often becomes very angry and violent. However, even though ashamed of him, Pip has a good relationship with the father figure in his life, Joe. Pip's new dream of marrying Estella has caused him to act totally different. He has taken a new interest in school and has been going to his teacher, Biddy quite often because he knows he must be intelligent if he ever is going to climb in class rank. He likes Biddy quite much and sometimes he debates with himself if he likes her of Estella better but always ends up with Estella winning. I still don't understand why he thinks he has a chance with that girl. Anyways, his guilt from his convicts' continues to haunt him as he imagines what would be different if he hadn't helped out the convict. He spots another mean looking person with the filing he gave his convict. This man gives Pip two pounds which he guiltily gives to Mrs. Joe. I know it was a really stupid thing to do but seriously Pip, let it go man. Because of his obsession Estella, he begins going to Miss Havisham's almost daily. He begins learning more things about Miss Havisham and why she acts so differently. One fact that strikes him is the stopping of all the clocks which essentially stops time for Miss Havisham. I and many would agree that this is one crazy and rich old lady. Pip then encounters a boy his age who is part of a higher class that challenges him to a fight where Pip owns him. I had no idea Pip had this in him as he made the other boy look silly. Estella rewards him with a kiss as she is just toying with him. I don't understand how Pip doesn't see the fact that he has no chance.

4- Apprentice or Gentleman

It was nearing the time when Pip was to begin his apprenticeship. He was now trying to be on even better behavior while with the Havisham's for hope that he could change his destiny of being a blacksmith and become a gentleman with Miss Havisham's money. Things seemed to be going Pip's way for a good amount of time as Estella was acting much more pleasant to Pip and Miss Havisham seemingly liked Pip very much as she allowed him to escort her about the house. This greatly excited Pip and put a fire in his belly but his hopes were soon dashed as Miss Havisham offered to help him with papers that would finalize Pip's future apprenticeship to Joe. Pip has gone through so much in his life and for this to be taken away from him must make him absolutely dreadful. How he continues keeping his hopes high, I don't know. He is quite a kid but he set his expectations at too great of a level. Even though Pip was soon to apprentice Joe he acted like he was a gentleman around them like he was too good for them. Joe had only supported Pip throughout his tough life and to treat him like this is truly disrespectful. Pip is probably doing this in order to convince himself that someday he will be a gentleman.

5- As if Pip's life couldn't get any worse.

I have began to pity Pip as he has lead such a miserable life but then I admire is ability to stay in high spirits even in the worst of circumstances. Pip hates work at the forge especially because of Joe's assistant, Dodge Orlick. He is an incredibly mean and rude person. Mrs. Joe got in an argument with Orlick and Mr. Joe stepped in and fought with Orlick. Orlick was totally and utterly beaten by Joe and Pip was amazed by Joe's fighting ability. Pip still thought his mental abilities were better than Joe's physical abilities. Pip, still trying to get Estella headed over to Miss Havisham's. There he learns that Estella had been sent far away to learn how to become a lady. News of this greatly hurts Pip and walks home in a horrible mood. On the way home, he imagines shadows of Orlick and hears shooting on prison ships. I believe he was imagining this and he is still not able to deal with his guilt. When he gets home He finds out Mrs. Joe had been brutally beaten and is now permanently brain damaged. Although he was sometimes scared of Mrs. Joe, he still loved her and was devastated by her death. All evidence points to the attacker as being Orlick but Pip still blames himself and believes that if he didn't help the convict when he was a little kid, none of this would have happened. Now Joe is really the only person he has left that loves him back. Pip's life is spiraling downward at a very fast pace and his coping skills are not working. For once, something good should happen to Pip and I hope he would just catch a big break or I don't know if he is going to make it.

6- Pip Catches a Break

Wow, I think I am psychic because I fully called that Pip was going to catch a break in my last post. One day a stranger walks into Pip's house with news that will change Pip's life forever. The person who walked in is by the name of Mr. Jaggers who is a lawyer. He explains to Pip that he is to receive a large inheritance and will immediately leave to London to start learning how to become a gentleman. He also states that the benefactor wishes to remain secret until the person reveals themselves to Pip. I, like Pip, believe this benefactor is Miss Havisham. Who else could it be? Pip doesn't know any other rich people and no other rich people know him. Pip is greatly excited for this news because he believes Miss Havisham ultimately has arranged for Pip to marry Estella. Pip and Joe quickly accept the offer and Pip leaves to London. I can't believe Pip didn't think this through more and think about how he may be hurting the one person who has ever cared about for the sake of having a chance with somebody that doesn't love him back. I am excited for Pip because he has been such a warrior through his childhood and now has the chance to make something of himself.

7 - Pip's Early Stages in London

Mr. Jaggers informs Pip that he is to be tutored by Miss Havisham's cousin, Matthew Pocket. When Pip first gets to London, he is introduced to Herbert Pocket, the son of Matthew Pocket. They start talking and suddenly they realize they were the two boys who fought at Miss Havisham's way back when. What are the odds of them meeting each other again? This gives more proof to Pip's belief that Miss Havisham is his benefactor. Pip and Herbert take an immediate liking together and decide to live together. Herbert politely helps Pip with his manners because even with him being at Miss Havisham's for many years, he still has no idea how to act the part of a gentleman. A few days from then, Pip befriends Startop, a fellow student, Wemmick, Jaggers assistant, and begins to hate Bentley Drummle who is a rude and selfish person. With these new friends Pip is able to fit in the best he can a totally new world. Herbert Pocket is probably the most important person he has befriended yet because Herbert can help him in so many ways. The two make a great team and Pip should be getting to like London a lot better than his hometown.

8- Pip Disrespects His Loving Friend, Joe

Time had passed and Pip has hardly communicated with his friends back in his hometown. Instead of waiting for Pip to come to him, Joe takes it upon himself to visit Pip in London. When Pip receives notice of this Pip, he is not happy at all and immediately thinks about how he will be judged instead of being happy for seeing an old friend who would never judge Pip. It seems Pip is now a snobby person who cares more about his social standing more than his family. Money truly does corrupt people and I believe that this is the case with Pip because he is totally oblivious to his former life. Because of this, the confrontation with him and Joe was really awkward instead of acting like friends, they acted like new acquaintances. Pip has come so far since his days as a boy. He was much more likable as a poor kid than as a snobby rich gentleman.

9- Estella, Estella, and the convict. LET IT GO!

In an attempt to rekindle a relationship with Joe, Pip travels back home also wishing to see Estella at Satis House. On the way there, he shares a coach with a pair of convicts which don't recognize him but are talking about him and he overhears them talking about delivering money to him. Pip still has not been able to put this guilt from his past behind him. He gets off the coach quickly and soon realizes Pumblechook is taking credit for his rise in status which we all know isn't true. Pip then heads over to Joe's but all he can think about is EstellaI can't believe that he has still not gotten over her. Still in the setting of his hometown, he still acts incredibly annoyed and ashamed with Joe. Joe tries to tell him news hes missed such as Mr. Wopsle becoming an actor in London but Pip barely listens. Joe raised him and for Pip to act like this is truly disrespectful. He has ought to be ashamed of himself instead of Joe. Finally Joe mentions something about Estella and suddenly Pip begins talking to him more kindly. Obviously, all he cares about now is his nobility and Estella. He travels to Satis House and learns that Orlick is the new gatekeeper who he obviously hates. When he gets inside he sees how much of a beautiful woman Estella has become. Pip still feels inadequate compared to Estella even though he acts better than everybody else. Why would he want to marry somebody that doesn't love him back and makes him feel so insecure? Pip, not in a good mood, tells Jaggers about Orlick's past and Jaggers immediately fires him.

10 - Death of a Loved One

Pip returns from London disappointed, mostly in himself. He feels terrible for the way he treated Biddy and Joe. He has this feeling a lot but he never does anything about it. Again, he worries too much about his social standing and too little about what really matters in his life. He feels even worse because he feels being a bad influence to the kind and compassionate Herbert. The two work on finances until Pip receives news that his sister had died. Pip is surprisingly taken by the news and again heads to his hometown. I thought he would have been more sad when she became brain damaged instead of when she died since she hasn't been fully functional for many years. He now tries to mend his relationships with Joe and Biddy but both are very skeptical of him. He promises to visit often but Biddy doesn't believe him because he has been unable to keep his promises up to this point. Again, Pip walks into the mist and changes back into his other self and heads for London. However Pip has changed for the better as he does truly want to visit more often. As Pip is growing up, he is learning what really matters.

11 -Pip Helps Out a Good Friend

Pip finally turns 21 and on his birthday is called into Jaggers' office. Jaggers is very brief and reveals to him that he will be receiveing 500 pounds per year but reveals nothing to him concerning who the benefactor is. For some extremely odd reason, this too reminds him of his unforgettable day in the graveyard. Even though he is mad at Jaggers for a reason that isn't Jaggers' fault, he invites him to his birthday dinner. His cold presence makes the evening much less enjoyable for Herbert and Pip. Herbert's dream is too become a merchant in order to have enough money to marry his girlfriend Clara. However it was near impossible for Herbert to get himself into the merchant business so Pip bought Herbert's way in using the new money he received. Some argue that Pip was wasting his money by giving it to others but this shows that Pip cares about Herbert and has compassion within him. In order to pay Herbert's way in, he set everything up so that he too would be a secret benefactor for Herbert as there is a secret benefactor for Pip. He is becoming increasingly more compassionate and a more likable person.


Two years pass with not much going on with Pip besides becoming richer and more gentleman like. One day on a stormy night a big and ragged sailor walks right into his house. Pip is extremely nervous and has absolutely no idea what is going on. Then it comes to him. The man was the convict he helped out that one day in the marshes. Why must this keep coming back to haunt Pip? Of course he is terrified and anxiously hears what he has to say. Pip finds out that Magwitch had been a trader and a sheep farmer and had made quite a living for himself in Australia where he was deported. Then, Pip learns the worst news of all. Miss Havisham is not the benefactor but the convict is. This news throws Pip for a loop. I had no idea it was the convict all along. At least he does not have guilt for what he did but he should be happy because what he did that day has made him a very rich man. The only people who knew who the true benefactor is was Wemmick and Jaggers. Miss Havisham had no idea but just lead Pip to believe she was the benefactor for her own benefit. Again, he has his heart broken as he learns he wasn't 'meant' for Estella. Pip is disgusted in the news but still houses and protects the convict until they can find a way to get back to Australia without being caught.

13- More News on Estella

In total rage, Pip returns to Satis House and receive an apology from Miss Havisham for leading him on and getting his hopes up even though she knew that they would inevitably be dashed. Miss Havisham initially regrets nothing but later breaks out crying and can't believe that she caused the same pain and suffering that she endured. Pip officially gives up on Estella(like that was ever going to happen). To make matters even worse, Estella says that she plans to marry Drummle. This is one of few guys that he just flat out hates. He almost wants Estella not to marry Drummle more than anything else because to know that he got beat out by some selfish, snobby and rude person would ruin Pip's self-confidence. It is still very hard to let Estella go after his life up to that point had all been spent wishing to have Estella. Pip will never forget Estella even though he is going to stop pursuing her.

14- Insane Coincidence and Trouble with Magwitch

I am going to try to clear all of this information up as cleanly as I can because there is a lot going on and it all came out at once. First off, the person Miss Havisham left at the altar at twenty to nine was Compeyson, the rival convict of Magwitch who were seen on that troubling day in the marshes.. Magwitch is the father of Estella and Molly the housekeeper is the mother. Miss Havisham adopted her after Compeyson left her and Magwitch was in trouble for crime. Jaggers knows all of them because he was the lawyer that found Estella for Mrs. Havisham. The irony of the situation is that Pip has spent his whole life trying to live up to Estella's social class when in reality Estella is born from a lower social class than Pip himself. I wouldn't know what to think if I was Pip because it seems his life has turned almost upside down. First he is poor then rich and then he is poor again. Meanwhile Herbert and Pip have been trying to escort Magwitch to a ship that will take him to Australia. Compeyson foils there plan so before Magwitch is chained up he drowns him in the water. The crown seizes all of Magwitch's property which is also Pip's property and given the death sentence. Before he is taken away, Pip tells him of his long lost daughter and that he loves her dearly.

15- Hollywood Ending?

After the incident with Magwitch, Pip falls into a horrible illness. He has hallucinations and would have been taken to jail if it wasn't for his illness. The one man who always would be there when Pip needed him came again even though Pip hadn't showed the same compassion to him. Joe arrived and nursed him through his sickness. Joe tells him news of Miss Havisham dieing and that Orlick had finally been put in jail. When Pip gets better, he and Joe go on a Sunday outing just like when he was a kid. Pip tries to tell him the story of Magwitch but Joe refuses to listen as he doesn't want to hear harmful memories. Joe become increasingly more uncomfortable in London and one day Pip finds him gone. Pip decides he is going to go home for good and marry Biddy. To Pip's surprise, he learns Joe and Biddy got married. That must be horrible for Pip to learn the girl you wanted to marry is married to your father figure. Nothing is really going Pip's way which has been the story of most of his life up to this point. Pip then takes an assistant merchant job with Herbert in order to make a good living. Years later, he returns a hard worker and then he goes to Satis House. As the moon rises he finds a sad Estella in the garden. She explains her horrible marriage with Drummle and Pip is there to comfort together. Then as mist fills the air, Pip and Estella walk out of the garden with Pip believing they will never part again. Wow, that was not the way I expected him to finally get Estella. Pip has gone through a tough life but it has all payed off right now.