Wednesday, March 31, 2010

6- Pip Catches a Break

Wow, I think I am psychic because I fully called that Pip was going to catch a break in my last post. One day a stranger walks into Pip's house with news that will change Pip's life forever. The person who walked in is by the name of Mr. Jaggers who is a lawyer. He explains to Pip that he is to receive a large inheritance and will immediately leave to London to start learning how to become a gentleman. He also states that the benefactor wishes to remain secret until the person reveals themselves to Pip. I, like Pip, believe this benefactor is Miss Havisham. Who else could it be? Pip doesn't know any other rich people and no other rich people know him. Pip is greatly excited for this news because he believes Miss Havisham ultimately has arranged for Pip to marry Estella. Pip and Joe quickly accept the offer and Pip leaves to London. I can't believe Pip didn't think this through more and think about how he may be hurting the one person who has ever cared about for the sake of having a chance with somebody that doesn't love him back. I am excited for Pip because he has been such a warrior through his childhood and now has the chance to make something of himself.

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