Wednesday, March 31, 2010

11 -Pip Helps Out a Good Friend

Pip finally turns 21 and on his birthday is called into Jaggers' office. Jaggers is very brief and reveals to him that he will be receiveing 500 pounds per year but reveals nothing to him concerning who the benefactor is. For some extremely odd reason, this too reminds him of his unforgettable day in the graveyard. Even though he is mad at Jaggers for a reason that isn't Jaggers' fault, he invites him to his birthday dinner. His cold presence makes the evening much less enjoyable for Herbert and Pip. Herbert's dream is too become a merchant in order to have enough money to marry his girlfriend Clara. However it was near impossible for Herbert to get himself into the merchant business so Pip bought Herbert's way in using the new money he received. Some argue that Pip was wasting his money by giving it to others but this shows that Pip cares about Herbert and has compassion within him. In order to pay Herbert's way in, he set everything up so that he too would be a secret benefactor for Herbert as there is a secret benefactor for Pip. He is becoming increasingly more compassionate and a more likable person.

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