Wednesday, March 31, 2010

15- Hollywood Ending?

After the incident with Magwitch, Pip falls into a horrible illness. He has hallucinations and would have been taken to jail if it wasn't for his illness. The one man who always would be there when Pip needed him came again even though Pip hadn't showed the same compassion to him. Joe arrived and nursed him through his sickness. Joe tells him news of Miss Havisham dieing and that Orlick had finally been put in jail. When Pip gets better, he and Joe go on a Sunday outing just like when he was a kid. Pip tries to tell him the story of Magwitch but Joe refuses to listen as he doesn't want to hear harmful memories. Joe become increasingly more uncomfortable in London and one day Pip finds him gone. Pip decides he is going to go home for good and marry Biddy. To Pip's surprise, he learns Joe and Biddy got married. That must be horrible for Pip to learn the girl you wanted to marry is married to your father figure. Nothing is really going Pip's way which has been the story of most of his life up to this point. Pip then takes an assistant merchant job with Herbert in order to make a good living. Years later, he returns a hard worker and then he goes to Satis House. As the moon rises he finds a sad Estella in the garden. She explains her horrible marriage with Drummle and Pip is there to comfort together. Then as mist fills the air, Pip and Estella walk out of the garden with Pip believing they will never part again. Wow, that was not the way I expected him to finally get Estella. Pip has gone through a tough life but it has all payed off right now.

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