Wednesday, March 31, 2010

7 - Pip's Early Stages in London

Mr. Jaggers informs Pip that he is to be tutored by Miss Havisham's cousin, Matthew Pocket. When Pip first gets to London, he is introduced to Herbert Pocket, the son of Matthew Pocket. They start talking and suddenly they realize they were the two boys who fought at Miss Havisham's way back when. What are the odds of them meeting each other again? This gives more proof to Pip's belief that Miss Havisham is his benefactor. Pip and Herbert take an immediate liking together and decide to live together. Herbert politely helps Pip with his manners because even with him being at Miss Havisham's for many years, he still has no idea how to act the part of a gentleman. A few days from then, Pip befriends Startop, a fellow student, Wemmick, Jaggers assistant, and begins to hate Bentley Drummle who is a rude and selfish person. With these new friends Pip is able to fit in the best he can a totally new world. Herbert Pocket is probably the most important person he has befriended yet because Herbert can help him in so many ways. The two make a great team and Pip should be getting to like London a lot better than his hometown.

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