Wednesday, March 31, 2010

9- Estella, Estella, and the convict. LET IT GO!

In an attempt to rekindle a relationship with Joe, Pip travels back home also wishing to see Estella at Satis House. On the way there, he shares a coach with a pair of convicts which don't recognize him but are talking about him and he overhears them talking about delivering money to him. Pip still has not been able to put this guilt from his past behind him. He gets off the coach quickly and soon realizes Pumblechook is taking credit for his rise in status which we all know isn't true. Pip then heads over to Joe's but all he can think about is EstellaI can't believe that he has still not gotten over her. Still in the setting of his hometown, he still acts incredibly annoyed and ashamed with Joe. Joe tries to tell him news hes missed such as Mr. Wopsle becoming an actor in London but Pip barely listens. Joe raised him and for Pip to act like this is truly disrespectful. He has ought to be ashamed of himself instead of Joe. Finally Joe mentions something about Estella and suddenly Pip begins talking to him more kindly. Obviously, all he cares about now is his nobility and Estella. He travels to Satis House and learns that Orlick is the new gatekeeper who he obviously hates. When he gets inside he sees how much of a beautiful woman Estella has become. Pip still feels inadequate compared to Estella even though he acts better than everybody else. Why would he want to marry somebody that doesn't love him back and makes him feel so insecure? Pip, not in a good mood, tells Jaggers about Orlick's past and Jaggers immediately fires him.

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