Wednesday, March 31, 2010

1- Pip practically serves a convict. What's he thinking?

Alright, so there is this little boy Pip who is this young orphan who lives with his sister and her husband. Although he is young, he still did an incredibly stupid thing. While staring at his parents' graves and thinking about them a typical, huge, and mean convict and horribly threatens the little boy. The convict then threatens him and gives him a list of things he must bring back to him. Most kids would run home and tell somebody but Pip actually gets him the stuff by stealing it from his sister. Why would he do that? It isn't as if the convict could stop him from telling his sister or the police. The convict had nothing over him at all. I just don't understand why he would go back to the scary man who threatened him. So, while he is on his way back to the convict to give him his things, he sees another convict who tries to strike him and then runs away. Who knew convicts could be violent?(Sarcasm) Apparently not Pip. He then delivers the goods to the first convict who becomes furious when Pip tells him the news of the other convict. If I were Pip, I wouldn't be getting involved in two dangerous convicts' business. Later I found out that Pip was actually worried about the safety of this convict. This kid has some serious issues and needs to sort out who his friend and who is his enemy.

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