Wednesday, March 31, 2010

14- Insane Coincidence and Trouble with Magwitch

I am going to try to clear all of this information up as cleanly as I can because there is a lot going on and it all came out at once. First off, the person Miss Havisham left at the altar at twenty to nine was Compeyson, the rival convict of Magwitch who were seen on that troubling day in the marshes.. Magwitch is the father of Estella and Molly the housekeeper is the mother. Miss Havisham adopted her after Compeyson left her and Magwitch was in trouble for crime. Jaggers knows all of them because he was the lawyer that found Estella for Mrs. Havisham. The irony of the situation is that Pip has spent his whole life trying to live up to Estella's social class when in reality Estella is born from a lower social class than Pip himself. I wouldn't know what to think if I was Pip because it seems his life has turned almost upside down. First he is poor then rich and then he is poor again. Meanwhile Herbert and Pip have been trying to escort Magwitch to a ship that will take him to Australia. Compeyson foils there plan so before Magwitch is chained up he drowns him in the water. The crown seizes all of Magwitch's property which is also Pip's property and given the death sentence. Before he is taken away, Pip tells him of his long lost daughter and that he loves her dearly.

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