Wednesday, March 31, 2010

5- As if Pip's life couldn't get any worse.

I have began to pity Pip as he has lead such a miserable life but then I admire is ability to stay in high spirits even in the worst of circumstances. Pip hates work at the forge especially because of Joe's assistant, Dodge Orlick. He is an incredibly mean and rude person. Mrs. Joe got in an argument with Orlick and Mr. Joe stepped in and fought with Orlick. Orlick was totally and utterly beaten by Joe and Pip was amazed by Joe's fighting ability. Pip still thought his mental abilities were better than Joe's physical abilities. Pip, still trying to get Estella headed over to Miss Havisham's. There he learns that Estella had been sent far away to learn how to become a lady. News of this greatly hurts Pip and walks home in a horrible mood. On the way home, he imagines shadows of Orlick and hears shooting on prison ships. I believe he was imagining this and he is still not able to deal with his guilt. When he gets home He finds out Mrs. Joe had been brutally beaten and is now permanently brain damaged. Although he was sometimes scared of Mrs. Joe, he still loved her and was devastated by her death. All evidence points to the attacker as being Orlick but Pip still blames himself and believes that if he didn't help the convict when he was a little kid, none of this would have happened. Now Joe is really the only person he has left that loves him back. Pip's life is spiraling downward at a very fast pace and his coping skills are not working. For once, something good should happen to Pip and I hope he would just catch a big break or I don't know if he is going to make it.

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