Wednesday, March 31, 2010

4- Apprentice or Gentleman

It was nearing the time when Pip was to begin his apprenticeship. He was now trying to be on even better behavior while with the Havisham's for hope that he could change his destiny of being a blacksmith and become a gentleman with Miss Havisham's money. Things seemed to be going Pip's way for a good amount of time as Estella was acting much more pleasant to Pip and Miss Havisham seemingly liked Pip very much as she allowed him to escort her about the house. This greatly excited Pip and put a fire in his belly but his hopes were soon dashed as Miss Havisham offered to help him with papers that would finalize Pip's future apprenticeship to Joe. Pip has gone through so much in his life and for this to be taken away from him must make him absolutely dreadful. How he continues keeping his hopes high, I don't know. He is quite a kid but he set his expectations at too great of a level. Even though Pip was soon to apprentice Joe he acted like he was a gentleman around them like he was too good for them. Joe had only supported Pip throughout his tough life and to treat him like this is truly disrespectful. Pip is probably doing this in order to convince himself that someday he will be a gentleman.

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