Wednesday, March 31, 2010


Two years pass with not much going on with Pip besides becoming richer and more gentleman like. One day on a stormy night a big and ragged sailor walks right into his house. Pip is extremely nervous and has absolutely no idea what is going on. Then it comes to him. The man was the convict he helped out that one day in the marshes. Why must this keep coming back to haunt Pip? Of course he is terrified and anxiously hears what he has to say. Pip finds out that Magwitch had been a trader and a sheep farmer and had made quite a living for himself in Australia where he was deported. Then, Pip learns the worst news of all. Miss Havisham is not the benefactor but the convict is. This news throws Pip for a loop. I had no idea it was the convict all along. At least he does not have guilt for what he did but he should be happy because what he did that day has made him a very rich man. The only people who knew who the true benefactor is was Wemmick and Jaggers. Miss Havisham had no idea but just lead Pip to believe she was the benefactor for her own benefit. Again, he has his heart broken as he learns he wasn't 'meant' for Estella. Pip is disgusted in the news but still houses and protects the convict until they can find a way to get back to Australia without being caught.

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