Wednesday, March 31, 2010

13- More News on Estella

In total rage, Pip returns to Satis House and receive an apology from Miss Havisham for leading him on and getting his hopes up even though she knew that they would inevitably be dashed. Miss Havisham initially regrets nothing but later breaks out crying and can't believe that she caused the same pain and suffering that she endured. Pip officially gives up on Estella(like that was ever going to happen). To make matters even worse, Estella says that she plans to marry Drummle. This is one of few guys that he just flat out hates. He almost wants Estella not to marry Drummle more than anything else because to know that he got beat out by some selfish, snobby and rude person would ruin Pip's self-confidence. It is still very hard to let Estella go after his life up to that point had all been spent wishing to have Estella. Pip will never forget Estella even though he is going to stop pursuing her.

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