Wednesday, March 31, 2010

2- Wow, Pip thinks he has a chance with Estella

Sorry, I haven't updated my blog in a while. I will try to fill in the blanks of Pip's childhood up to this point. After the whole incident with the convict, Pip felt incredibly guilt yet still felt bad for the convict. It was very hard for Pip to forget about it but it never fully went away. Since then, he has been going to Mr. Wopsle's school which is helping him learn how to read and write. Joe loves to see Pip progress educationally. Pip learns really how uneducated Joe is and is ashamed of him for it. Then, the richest person in the area invites Pip to come and 'play' at her house. Pip and his family is hoping that this person, Miss Havisham, will give them some of her enormous sum of money. While Pip is there, he upon first sight falls in love with Estella, the adopted daughter of Miss Havisham. She constantly ridicules him and tries to make him feel as inferior as possible. Pip still keeps his hopes up and wants Estella more than Miss Havisham's money which is crazy. Pip will never have a chance with Estella. Not only does she hate him, but Miss Havisham makes Estella make males suffer, not to mention the fact that Pip is way down on the social class and Estella is at the very top. Still, Pip attempts to pursue her and it seems the only thing that matters in his life is Estella. If I had to give Pip some advice, I would tell him to quit while he's ahead so he doesn't waste a good portion of his life trying to get something he can never have.

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